

@GitHub Copilot - Welcome @BanterBoy, I’m your Copilot and I’m here to help you get things done faster. I can identify issues, explain and even improve code.

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I’m powered by AI, so surprises and mistakes are possible. Make sure to verify any generated code or suggestions, and share feedback so that we can learn and improve.

@BanterBoy: - Explain what the script does and why it is useful.

@GitHub Copilot - The code is a PowerShell script that contains a comment-based help snippet. This snippet is used to provide help documentation for a PowerShell function or script. The help snippet contains several keywords that are used to describe the function or script, its parameters, inputs, outputs, examples, notes, and related links.

The “.SYNOPSIS” keyword is used to provide a brief description of the function or script. This description should be a short summary of what the function or script does. The “.DESCRIPTION” keyword is used to provide a more detailed description of the function or script. This description should provide more information about what the function or script does, how it works, and what its purpose is.

The “.PARAMETER” keyword is used to describe the parameters of the function or script. This keyword should be used once for each parameter in the function or script syntax. The parameter name should be typed on the same line as the “.PARAMETER” keyword, and the parameter description should be typed on the lines following the “.PARAMETER” keyword. The description can include paragraph breaks.

The “.EXAMPLE” keyword is used to provide examples of how to use the function or script. This keyword should be repeated for each example. The example should include a sample command that uses the function or script, optionally followed by sample output and a description.

The “.INPUTS” keyword is used to describe the input objects that can be piped to the function or script. This keyword should include the Microsoft .NET Framework types of objects that can be piped to the function or script, as well as a description of the input objects.

The “.OUTPUTS” keyword is used to describe the .NET Framework type of the objects that the cmdlet returns. This keyword should also include a description of the returned objects.

The “.NOTES” keyword is used to provide additional information about the function or script. This keyword can be used to provide any additional information that is not covered by the other keywords.

The “.LINK” keyword is used to provide related links for the function or script. This keyword should be repeated for each related topic. The content that appears after the “.LINK” keyword can include the name of the related topic, as well as a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to an online version of the same help topic.

Finally, the “.COMPONENT”, “.ROLE”, and “.FUNCTIONALITY” keywords are used to provide additional information about the function or script. These keywords can be used to provide information about the technology or feature that the function or script uses, the user role for the help topic, and the intended use of the function, respectively.

Possible ways to improve the code with respect to readability and performance include using consistent indentation, using descriptive variable names, and avoiding unnecessary comments. Additionally, it is important to ensure that the help snippet is accurate and up-to-date, as it is an important resource for users who need help with the function or script.


    A brief description of the function or script. This keyword can be used only once in each topic.

    A detailed description of the function or script. This keyword can be used only once in each topic.

    The description of a parameter. Add a ".PARAMETER" keyword for each parameter in the function or script syntax.

    Type the parameter name on the same line as the ".PARAMETER" keyword. Type the parameter description on the lines following the ".PARAMETER" keyword. Windows PowerShell interprets all text between the ".PARAMETER" line and the next keyword or the end of the comment block as part of the parameter description. The description can include paragraph breaks.

    .PARAMETER  <Parameter-Name>
    The Parameter keywords can appear in any order in the comment block, but the function or script syntax determines the order in which the parameters (and their descriptions) appear in help topic. To change the order, change the syntax.

    You can also specify a parameter description by placing a comment in the function or script syntax immediately before the parameter variable name. If you use both a syntax comment and a Parameter keyword, the description associated with the Parameter keyword is used, and the syntax comment is ignored.

    A sample command that uses the function or script, optionally followed by sample output and a description. Repeat this keyword for each example.

    The Microsoft .NET Framework types of objects that can be piped to the function or script. You can also include a description of the input objects.

    The .NET Framework type of the objects that the cmdlet returns. You can also include a description of the returned objects.

    Additional information about the function or script.

    The name of a related topic. The value appears on the line below the ".LINK" keyword and must be preceded by a comment symbol # or included in the comment block.

    Repeat the ".LINK" keyword for each related topic.

    This content appears in the Related Links section of the help topic.

    The "Link" keyword content can also include a Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) to an online version of the same help topic. The online version opens when you use the Online parameter of Get-Help. The URI must begin with "http" or "https".

    The technology or feature that the function or script uses, or to which it is related. This content appears when the Get-Help command includes the Component parameter of Get-Help.

    The user role for the help topic. This content appears when the Get-Help command includes the Role parameter of Get-Help.

    The intended use of the function. This content appears when the Get-Help command includes the Functionality parameter of Get-Help.


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