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@BanterBoy: - Explain what the script does and why it is useful.
@GitHub Copilot -
Pings a host
This script takes a target IP address or hostname and pings it, providing the source IP address the stack uses to ping that host. If the DNS server
returns multiple records, it will ping them all. Note that this script uses the [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses
function, this returns an array of IP addresses. If you want access to the complete DNS record objects, it is recommended
that you use the Resolve-DnsName cmdlet. This script outputs 2 objects, the ping results and the ping statistics.
.PARAMETER Destination
The target IP address or hostname to ping.
The number of pings to attempt, default is 1.
Requires Windows 8 or later.
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $True)][string]$Destination,
[Parameter(Position = 1, Mandatory = $False)][int]$Pings = 1)
#Set the time between pings, in Milliseconds
$TimeBetweenPings = 50
function CreateResultObject() {
$IndResult = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
RemoteIPAddress = "";
LocalIPAddress = "";
Size = "0";
TTL = "0";
RTT = "0";
Status = "0";
Return $IndResult
function CreateStatsObject() {
$StatsObject = New-Object PSObject -Property @{
DestIPAddress = "";
Sent = "";
Received = "0";
Lost = "0";
MinRtt = "0";
MaxRtt = "0";
AvgRtt = "0";
Return $StatsObject
function CalculateStats() {
#Initialize variables to track/calculate statistics
$TempStatsObj = CreateStatsObject
$Item = CreateResultObject
$PingSuccess = 0
$PingFailure = 0
$PingMinRtt = 0
$PingMaxRtt = 0
$PingAverage = 0
foreach ($Item in $TempObjectArray) {
#Track the total successful pings
if ($Item.Status -eq "Success") {
if ($Item.RTT -eq "<1") {
$TempItem = 1
else {
$TempItem = $Item.RTT
$PingAverage = $PingAverage + $TempItem
if ($TempItem -le $PingMinRtt) {
$PingMinRtt = $TempItem
if ($TempItem -gt $PingMaxRtt) {
$PingMaxRtt = $TempItem
#Track the total unsuccessful pings
else {
#Calculate the statistics
$TempStatsObj.Received = $PingSuccess
$TempStatsObj.Lost = $PingFailure
if ($PingSuccess -gt 0) {
$PingAverage = $PingAverage / $PingSuccess
$TempStatsObj.AvgRtt = [System.Math]::Round($PingAverage, 2)
if ($PingMinRtt -eq 0) {
$TempStatsObj.MinRtt = "<1"
else {
$TempStatsObj.MinRtt = $PingMinRtt
$TempStatsObj.MaxRtt = $PingMaxRtt
#Don't Calculate the statistics if there were no successful pings
if ($PingSuccess -eq 0) {
$TempStatsObj.MinRtt = $Null
$TempStatsObj.MaxRtt = $Null
$TempStatsObj.AvgRtt = $Null
Return $TempStatsObj
function UpdateStats() {
$StatsObjectArray = $StatsObjectArray + $NewStats
function SendPing($Destination) {
$TempResult = CreateResultObject;
$TempResult.RemoteIPAddress = $Destination
#Send the ping
try {
$Result = $IcmpRequest.send($Destination)
#The amount of time to wait between pings
Start-Sleep -Milliseconds $TimeBetweenPings
catch [System.Management.Automation.MethodException] {
#If result is null record a general failure, this is handled below
#If a result was observed, record it
if ($Result) {
$TempResult.Size = $Result.Buffer.Length
$TempResult.TTL = $Result.Options.TTL
$TempResult.Status = $Result.Status
if ($Result.Status -eq "Success") {
$TempResult.RTT = $Result.RoundtripTime
if ($Result.RoundtripTime -eq 0) {
$TempResult.RTT = "<1"
if ($Result.Status -ne "Success") {
$TempResult.RTT = $Null
$TempResult.Size = $Null
if ($Null -ne $Result.Address) {
$TempResult.RemoteIPAddress = $Result.Address.ToString()
#If a result was not observed, record it
if (!$Result) {
$TempResult.Status = "GeneralFailure"
$TempResult.RTT = $Null
$TempResult.Size = $Null
$TempResult.TTL = $Null
#Query the IP stack to calculate the source address of the ping.
if ($TempResult.Status -ne "GeneralFailure") {
try {
$UdpClient = new-object System.Net.Sockets.UdpClient($Destination, 6000)
$LocalAddress = $UdpClient.Client.LocalEndPoint
if ($UdpClient.Client.LocalEndPoint.AddressFamily -eq "InterNetwork") {
$LocalAddress = $LocalAddress.ToString()
$TempAddress = $LocalAddress.Split(":")
$TempResult.LocalIPAddress = [string]$TempAddress[0]
if ($UdpClient.Client.LocalEndPoint.AddressFamily -eq "InterNetworkV6") {
$LocalAddress = $LocalAddress.ToString()
$TempAddress = $LocalAddress.Split("]")
$LocalAddress = [string]$TempAddress[0]
$TempAddress = $LocalAddress.Split("[")
$TempResult.LocalIPAddress = [string]$TempAddress[1]
catch {
$LocalAddress = ""
finally {
if ($UdpClient) {
Return $TempResult
#Initialize an array of ping results
$TempObjectArray = @()
$ResultObjectArray = @()
$StatsObjectArray = @()
#Initialize ICMP request and address variables
$IcmpRequest = New-Object System.Net.NetworkInformation.Ping
$Address = [System.Net.IPaddress]""
#Ensure valid IP address input
$InputIsAlreadyIPAddress = [System.Net.IPaddress]::TryParse($Destination, [ref]$Address)
#If Address is input, then ping that address
function PingTargetAddresses {
#If something other than an address is input, check DNS names.
#Prepare to ping them all if it is valid
if (!$InputIsAlreadyIPAddress) {
#Initialize array to handle DNS results
$DestIPAddresses = @()
#Query DNS
try {
Write-Progress "Querying DNS"
$DestIPAddresses = [System.Net.Dns]::GetHostAddresses($Destination)
#Note that the Resolve-DnsName cmdlet could be used instead:
#$DestIPAddresses = (Resolve-DnsName $Destination -ErrorAction "SilentlyContinue").IPAddress
catch [System.Net.Sockets.SocketException] {
#If no destination IP addresses are returned, this is handled below.
#If DNS query fails
if (!$DestIPAddresses) {
Write-Host "DotNetPing could not find host $Destination. Please check the name and try again."
else {
$DestIPAddresses = @($Destination)
#Calculate the number of pings to send and track them
$NumAddresses = $DestIPAddresses.Length - 1
$TotalPings = ($DestIPAddresses.Length) * $Pings
$PingTracker = 0
while ($NumAddresses -ne -1) {
for ($i = 0; $i -lt $Pings; $i++) {
#Send each ping, record the result and show progress
$TempAddress = $DestIPAddresses[$NumAddresses]
$NewResult = SendPing($TempAddress)
$NewResult # Output for pipeline to print
$TempObjectArray = $TempObjectArray + @($NewResult)
$PercentComplete = [decimal](($PingTracker / $TotalPings) * 100)
$PercentComplete = [System.Math]::Round($PercentComplete, 2)
Write-Progress -activity "Pinging $Destination `[$TempAddress`]" -status "Percent complete: $PercentComplete%" -percentComplete $PercentComplete
#Organize the results and track the statistics
$TempStatsObj = CalculateStats([array[]]$TempObjectArray)
$TempStatsObj.DestIPAddress = $DestIPAddresses[$NumAddresses]
$TempStatsObj.Sent = $Pings
$TempStatsObj.Received = ($Pings - $TempStatsObj.Lost)
#Note reference StatsObjectArray at script-level scope
$script:StatsObjectArray = $script:StatsObjectArray + $TempStatsObj
$ResultObjectArray = $ResultObjectArray + $TempObjectArray
$TempObjectArray = @()
#Print results in a table
PingTargetAddresses | Format-Table @{Expression = { $_.LocalIPAddress }; Label = "Local IP Address"; width = 41 },
@{Expression = { $_.RemoteIPAddress }; Label = "Remote IP Address"; width = 41 },
@{Expression = { $_.Size }; Label = "Size(Bytes)"; width = 12 },
@{Expression = { $_.RTT }; Label = "Time(ms)"; width = 9; alignment = "right" },
@{Expression = { $_.TTL }; Label = "TTL"; width = 6 },
@{Expression = { $_.Status }; Label = "Status"; width = 18 }
#Add the statistics
Write-Host "Ping Statistics:"
$StatsObjectArray | Format-Table @{Expression = { $_.DestIPAddress }; Label = "Remote IP Address"; width = 42 },
@{Expression = { $_.Sent }; Label = "Sent"; width = 6 },
@{Expression = { $_.Received }; Label = "Received"; width = 9 },
@{Expression = { $_.Lost }; Label = "Lost"; width = 6 },
@{Expression = { $_.MinRtt }; Label = "MinRtt"; width = 7; alignment = "right" },
@{Expression = { $_.MaxRtt }; Label = "MaxRtt"; width = 7 },
@{Expression = { $_.AvgRtt }; Label = "AvgRtt"; width = 7 }
$ResultObjectArray = @()
$StatsObjectArray = @()
Please feel free to copy parts of the script or if you would like to download the entire script, simple click the download button. You can download the complete repository in a zip file by clicking the Download link in the menu bar on the left hand side of the page.
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