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	The script collect and verify Active Directory trusts of the current forest or a specified domain.

	Author		: Alexandre Augagneur (
	File Name	: Audit-ADTrusts.ps1
	Date		: 06/28/2013
	Version		: 1.0

	.\Audit-ADTrusts.ps1 -FilePath C:\Temp\ADTrusts.csv

	.\Audit-ADTrusts.ps1 -DomainName "" -FilePath C:\Temp\ADTrusts.csv

	File Path for the csv export of the trusts.

	Grab trusts of a specific domain. By default the script is connecting to the current forest.

param (
	[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
	[ValidateScript( { Test-Path (Split-Path $_ -Parent) -PathType Container })]
	[String] $FilePath,

	[Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
	[String] $DomainName

#Region Variables
# Variables

# List of properties of a trust relationship
$ObjTrustProps = @("Source Name", "Target Name", "Trust Direction", "Trust Type", "Selective Authentication", "SID Filtering",
	"SID History", "Inbound Status", "Outbound Status", "WMIPartnerDCName", "WMITrustIsOk", "WMITrustStatus")


#Region Functions
# Functions

# Verify the trust relationship using method
# System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain.VerifyTrustRelationship)(
function Check-TrustRelationship ( $objDomain, $TargetName, $Direction, $Type ) {
	Write-Host "`t=> Verifying the trust relationship between '$($objDomain.Name)' and '$($TargetName)'..."

	$ObjStatus = New-Object PsObject `
		-Property @{
		InBound          = "N/A"
		OutBound         = "N/A"
		WMIPartnerDCName = "N/A"
		WMITrustIsOk     = "N/A"
		WMITrustStatus   = "N/A"

	try {
		try {
			# WMI Request using the trustmon WMI provider
			$WMIStatus = Get-WmiObject -Namespace root\MicrosoftActiveDirectory -Class Microsoft_DomainTrustStatus `
				-ComputerName $objDomain.PdcRoleOwner -Filter "TrustedDomain='$TargetName'" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue -ErrorVariable WMIError

			if ( -not($WMIError) ) {
				$ObjStatus.WMITrustIsOk = $WMIStatus.TrustIsOk
				$ObjStatus.WMITrustStatus = $WMIStatus.TrustStatusString
				$ObjStatus.WMIPartnerDCName = $WMIStatus.TrustedDCName
		catch {
			Write-Verbose "Error while verifying trust with domain '$targetName': $($_.Exception.Message)"

		# Quit the function if the trust is external and
		# if the user domain context is not the same of the source domain
		if ( $Type -match "External" -and ( $script:CurrentDomain.Name -ne $objDomainDomain) ) {
			Return $ObjStatus
		# Connect to target domain (Use ADSI forest or ADSI domain constructor)
		elseif ( $Type -match "Forest" ) {
			$Context = new-object System.directoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext('Forest', $TargetName)
			$TargetDomain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetForest($Context)
		else {
			$Context = new-object System.directoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext('Domain', $TargetName)
			$TargetDomain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetDomain($Context)

		# Test each direction of the trust using the metode VerifyTrustRelationship
		switch ($Direction) {
			# Inbound trust
			"Inbound" {
				try {
					$objDomain.VerifyTrustRelationship($TargetDomain, $Direction)
					$ObjStatus.InBound = "Ok"
				catch {
					$ObjStatus.InBound = "$($_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message.Trim())"
			# Outbound trust
			"Outbound" {
				try {
					$objDomain.VerifyTrustRelationship($TargetDomain, $Direction)
					$ObjStatus.OutBound = "Ok"
				catch {
					$ObjStatus.OutBound = "$($_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message.Trim())"

			# Inbound/Outbound trust
			"Bidirectional" {
				try {
					$objDomain.VerifyTrustRelationship($TargetDomain, "Inbound")
					$ObjStatus.InBound = "Ok"
				catch {
					$ObjStatus.InBound = "$($_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message.Trim())"

				try {
					$objDomain.VerifyTrustRelationship($TargetDomain, "Outbound")
					$ObjStatus.OutBound = "Ok"
				catch {
					$ObjStatus.OutBound = "$($_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message.Trim())"

	catch {
		$ObjStatus.InBound = "$($_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message.Trim())"
		$ObjStatus.OutBound = $ObjStatus.InBound

	Return $ObjStatus

# Construct the trust customized object
Function Create-objTrust ( $objDomain, $trust ) {
	$ObjTrust = New-Object PsObject `
		-Property @{
		"Source Name"              = $trust.SourceName
		"Target Name"              = $trust.TargetName
		"Trust Direction"          = $trust.TrustDirection
		"Trust Type"               = $trust.TrustType
		"Selective Authentication" = "No"
		"SID Filtering"            = "No"
		"SID History"              = "No"
		"AD whenChanged"           = $null

	# Check the selective authentication status
	if ( $objDomain.GetSelectiveAuthenticationStatus($ObjTrust."Target Name") ) {
		$ObjTrust."Selective Authentication" = "Yes"

	# Check the sid filtering status
	if ( $objDomain.GetSidFilteringStatus($ObjTrust."Target Name") ) {
		$ObjTrust."SID Filtering" = "Yes"

	# Retrieve the trust object from AD
	$objRootDSE = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry] "LDAP://$($trust.SourceName)/rootDSE"
	$ADObj = [ADSI] "LDAP://CN=$($trust.TargetName),CN=system,$($objRootDSE.defaultNamingContext)"

	# Check if sid history is enabled
	if ( $ADObj.trustattributes.ToString() -band 64 ) {
		$ObjTrust."SID History" = "Yes"

	# Retrieve whenChanged attribute of the trust object
	$ObjTrust."AD whenChanged" = $ADObj.whenchanged.ToString()

	# Call the function Check-TrustRelationship
	$ObjStatus = Check-TrustRelationship $ObjDomain $ObjTrust."Target Name"  $ObjTrust."Trust Direction" $ObjTrust."Trust Type"

	$ObjTrust | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Inbound Status" -value $ObjStatus.Inbound
	$ObjTrust | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "Outbound Status" -value $ObjStatus.Outbound
	$ObjTrust | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "WMIPartnerDCName" -value $ObjStatus.WMIPartnerDCName
	$ObjTrust | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "WMITrustIsOk" -value $ObjStatus.WMITrustIsOk
	$ObjTrust | Add-Member -type NoteProperty -name "WMITrustStatus" -value $ObjStatus.WMITrustStatus

	Return $ObjTrust

# Return the NETBIOSName of the specified domain distinguishedName
Function Get-NETBiosName ( $dn, $ConfigurationNC ) {
	$Searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
	$Searcher.SearchScope = "subtree"
	$Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("nETBIOSName") | Out-Null
	$Searcher.SearchRoot = "LDAP://cn=Partitions,$ConfigurationNC"
	$Searcher.Filter = "(nCName=$dn)"
	$NetBIOSName = ($Searcher.FindOne()).Properties.Item("nETBIOSName")
	Return $NetBIOSName

# Warn the user if the script is not executed with enterprise admin account
Function Is-MemberOf ( $Name ) {
	$Groups = @()

	([System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity]::GetCurrent()).Groups | `
		Foreach-Object { $Groups += $_.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]) }

	if ( $Groups -notcontains "$Name\Enterprise Admins" ) {
		Write-Warning "The script is not running under an Enterprise Admins context."

# Main function listing trusts from AD and calling the function
# Create-objTrust for all trust relationships found
function Get-ADTrusts ($Name, $Type) {
	# Specific treatment for forest or domain
	switch ($Type) {
		"Forest" {
			# Retrieve trusts from the current forest
			Write-Host "`n* Establishing connection to the current forest: " -NoNewline

			try {
				# Connecting to the forest
				$Forest = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest()
				Write-Host "SUCCESSFUL" -ForegroundColor Green

				# Check if the user account is enterprise admins
				$ForestPath = "DC=$($Forest.Name.Replace('.',',DC='))"
				$RootDomainNETBIOSName = Get-NETBiosName $ForestPath ([System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry] "LDAP://rootDSE").configurationNamingContext

				Is-MemberOf $RootDomainNETBIOSName
			catch {
				Write-Host "FAILED ($($_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message.Trim()))" -ForegroundColor RED

			try {
				Write-Host "`n`tRetrieving list of trusts from the forest '$($Forest.Name)'"

				# Retrieve list of forest trusts
				$ForestTrusts = $Forest.GetAllTrustRelationships()

				Write-Host "`tNumber of trusts found: " -NoNewline

				if ( $ForestTrusts.Count -gt 0 ) {
					Write-Host "$($ForestTrusts.Count)`n" -ForegroundColor Green
				else {
					Write-Host "$($ForestTrusts.Count)`n" -ForegroundColor Red

				for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $ForestTrusts.Count; $i++ ) {
					# Construct the list of object trusts to export
					$objTrust = Create-objTrust $Forest $ForestTrusts[$i]
					$script:Trusts.Add($ObjTrust) | Out-Null
			catch {
				$ObjTrust = New-Object -TypeName PsObject | Select-Object $ObjTrustProps
				$ObjTrust."Source Name" = $Forest.Name
				$ObjTrust."Target Name" = "$($_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message.Trim())"
				$script:Trusts.Add($ObjTrust) | Out-Null

			# Recursive call of function Get-ADTrusts for each child domain
			foreach ( $Domain in $Forest.Domains) {
				Get-ADTrusts $Domain.Name "Domain"
		"Domain" {
			$DomainContext = new-object System.directoryServices.ActiveDirectory.DirectoryContext('Domain', $Name)
			Write-Host "`n* Establishing connection to domain '$Name': " -NoNewline

			try {
				# Connecting to the specified domain
				$Domain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetDomain($DomainContext)
				Write-Host "SUCCESSFUL" -ForegroundColor Green

				# Retrieve list of trusts
				Write-Host "`n`tRetrieving list of trusts from '$($Domain.Name)'"
				$DomainTrusts = $Domain.GetAllTrustRelationships()

				try {
					Write-Host "`tNumber of trusts found: " -NoNewline

					if ( $DomainTrusts.Count -gt 0 ) {
						Write-Host "$($DomainTrusts.Count)`n" -ForegroundColor Green
					else {
						Write-Host "$($DomainTrusts.Count)`n" -ForegroundColor Red

					for ( $i = 0; $i -lt $DomainTrusts.Count; $i++ ) {
						$objTrust = Create-objTrust $Domain $DomainTrusts[$i]
						$script:Trusts.Add($ObjTrust) | Out-Null
				catch {
					$ObjTrust = New-Object -TypeName PsObject | Select-Object $ObjTrustProps
					$ObjTrust."Source Name" = $Domain.Name
					$ObjTrust."Target Name" = "$($_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message.Trim())"
					$script:Trusts.Add($ObjTrust) | Out-Null
			catch {
				Write-Host "FAILED ($($_.Exception.GetBaseException().Message.Trim()))" -ForegroundColor RED


#Region Main

# Main

$script:Trusts = new-object System.Collections.ArrayList
$script:CurrentDomain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()

# Connect to the specified domain or the current forest and list trusts
if ( $DomainName ) {
	# Retrieve list of trusts of the specified domain
	Get-ADTrusts $DomainName "Domain"
else {
	# Retrieve list of trust of the specified forest and child domains
	Get-ADTrusts $null "Forest"

# Export results to csv file
if ($script:Trusts) {
	$script:Trusts | Export-Csv -Path $FilePath -Delimiter ";" -NoTypeInformation -Force
	Write-Host "`nActive Directory trusts inventory exported to " -NoNewline
	Write-Host $FilePath -ForegroundColor Green
else {
	Write-Host "`nNo trust found." -ForegroundColor Yellow

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Please feel free to copy parts of the script or if you would like to download the entire script, simple click the download button. You can download the complete repository in a zip file by clicking the Download link in the menu bar on the left hand side of the page.

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