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			" Satnaam WaheGuru Ji"

			Author  :  Aman Dhally
			E-Mail  :
			website :
			twitter :!/AmanDhally

			Date	: 05-Spet-2012
			File	: Active_Directory_Information
			Purpose : Getting Information about Active Directory

			Version : 1


# Import Module Active Directory:
Write-Host "Importing Active Directory Module" -ForegroundColor 'Green'
Import-Module -Name ActiveDirectory

# Html
#### HTML Output Formatting #######

$a = "<style>"
$a = $a + "BODY{background-color:Lavender ;}"
$a = $a + "TABLE{border-width: 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;border-collapse: collapse;}"
$a = $a + "TH{border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:thistle}"
$a = $a + "TD{border-width: 1px;padding: 5px;border-style: solid;border-color: black;background-color:PaleGoldenrod}"
$a = $a + "</style>"

#### path to Output Html File

# Setting Variables
$date = (Get-Date -Format d_MMMM_yyyy).toString()
$filePATH = "$env:userprofile\Desktop\"
$fileNAME = "AD_Info_" + $date + ".html"
$file = $filePATH + $fileNAME
# Active Directory Variables
$adFOREST = Get-ADForest
$adDOMAIN = Get-ADDomain

# Forest Variables
$adFORESTMODE = $adFOREST.ForestMode
$adFORESTDOMAIN = $adFOREST | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Domains
$adFORESTSchemaMaster = $adFOREST.SchemaMaster
$adFORESTNamingMaster = $adFOREST.DomainNamingMaster
$adFORESTUPNSUFFIX = $adFOREST | Select-Object -ExpandProperty UPNSuffixes
$adFORESTSPNSUffix = $adFOREST | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SPNSuffixes
$adFORESTGlobalCatalog = $adFOREST | Select-Object -ExpandProperty GlobalCatalogs
$adFORESTSites = $adFOREST  |  Select-Object -ExpandProperty Sites

#Domain Vaiables
$adDomainName = $adDOMAIN.Name
$adDOMAINNetBiosName = $adDOMAIN.NetBIOSName
$adDOMAINDomainMode = $adDOMAIN.DomainMode
$adDOMAINParentDomain = $adDOMAIN.ParentDomain
$adDOMAINRIDMaster = $adDOMAIN.RIDMaster
$adDOMAINInfra = $adDOMAIN.InfrastructureMaster
$adDOMAINChildDomain = $adDOMAIN | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ChildDomains
$adDOMAINReplica = $adDOMAIN | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ReplicaDirectoryServers
$adDOMAINReadOnlyReplica = $adDOMAIN | Select-Object -ExpandProperty ReadOnlyReplicaDirectoryServers

# If file exists
# Test if file exists.If exist we are delting the file and then creating a new one
# and if there are no file exists then we are going to create a new one

if (Test-Path "$env:userprofile\Desktop\$filename" ) {
	Write-Warning "file already exists, i am deleting it."
	Remove-Item "$env:userprofile\Desktop\$filename" -Verbose -Force
	Write-Host "Creating a New file Named as $fileNAME" -ForegroundColor 'Green'
	New-Item -Path $filePATH -Name $fileNAME -Type file | Out-Null
else {
	Write-Host "Creating a New file Named as $fileNAME" -ForegroundColor 'Green'
	New-Item -Path $filePATH -Name $fileNAME -Type file | Out-Null

# set Title of the HTML Output

ConvertTo-Html  -Head $a  -Title "ACtive Directory Information" -Body "<h1> Active Directory Information for :  $adFORESTNAME </h1>" > $file

ConvertTo-Html  -Head $a -Body "<h2> Active Directory Forest Information. </h2>"  >> $file

ConvertTo-Html -Body "<table><tr><td> Forest Name: </td><td><b> $adFORESTNAME </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Forest Mode: </td><td><b> $adFORESTMODE </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Forest Domains: </td><td><b> $adFORESTDOMAIN </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Root Domain : </td><td><b> $adFORESTROOTDOMAIN </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Domain Naming Master: </td><td><b> $adFORESTNamingMaster </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Schema Master: </td><td><b> $adFORESTSchemaMaster </b></td></tr> `
			 		  <tr><td> Domain SPNSuffixes : </td><td><b> $adFORESTSPNSUffix </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Domain UPNSuffixes : </td><td><b> $adFORESTUPNSUFFI </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Global Catalog Servers : </td><td><b> $adFORESTGlobalCatalog </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Forest Domain Sites : </td><td><b> $adFORESTSites </b></td></tr></table>" >> $file

ConvertTo-Html  -Head $a -Body "<h2> Active Directory Domain Information. </h2>"  >> $file

ConvertTo-Html -Body "<table><tr><td> Domain Name: </td><td><b> $adDomainName </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Domain NetBios Name: </td><td><b> $adDOMAINNetBiosName </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Domain Mode: </td><td><b> $adDOMAINDomainMode </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Parent Domain : </td><td><b> $adDOMAINParentDomain </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Domain PDC Emulator : </td><td><b> $adDOMAINPDCEMu </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Domain RID Master: </td><td><b> $adDOMAINRIDMaster </b></td></tr> `
			 		  <tr><td> Domain InfraStructure Master : </td><td><b> $adDOMAINInfra </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Child Domains : </td><td><b> $adDOMAINChildDomain </b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Replicated Servers : </td><td><b> $adDOMAINReplica</b></td></tr> `
					  <tr><td> Read Only Replicated Server : </td><td><b> $adDOMAINReadOnlyReplica </b></td></tr></table>" >> $file

$Report = "The Report is generated On  $(get-date) by $((Get-Item env:\username).Value) on computer $((Get-Item env:\Computername).Value)"
$Report  >> $file

Invoke-Expression $file

#### end of the script ###

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