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Import-Module PSWinDocumentation.AD -Force
Import-Module Documentimo -Force
if ($null -eq $ADForest) {
$ADForest = Get-WinADForestInformation -Verbose -PasswordQuality -DontRemoveEmpty
$CompanyName = 'Example Ltd'
Documentimo -FilePath "$PSScriptRoot\Starter-AD.docx" {
DocTOC -Title 'Table of content'
DocText {
"This document provides low-level documentation of Active Directory infrastructure at $CompanyName. This document contains general data that has been exported from Active Directory and provides an overview of the whole environment."
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Forest Summary' -Level 0 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocText {
"Active Directory at $CompanyName has a forest name $($ADForest.Forest). Following table contains forest summary with important information:"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.ForestInformation -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle 'Forest Summary'
DocText -LineBreak
DocText -Text 'Following table contains FSMO servers:'
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.ForestFSMO -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle 'FSMO Roles'
DocText -LineBreak
DocText -Text 'Following table contains optional forest features:'
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.ForestOptionalFeatures -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle 'Optional Features'
DocText -LineBreak
DocText -Text 'Following UPN suffixes were created in this forest:'
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.ForestUPNSuffixes -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle 'UPN Suffixes'
DocText -LineBreak
if ($ADForest.ForestSPNSuffixes) {
DocText -Text 'Following SPN suffixes were created in this forest:'
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.ForestSPNSuffixes -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle 'UPN Suffixes'
else {
DocText -Text 'No SPN suffixes were created in this forest.'
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Forest Sites' -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocText -Text "Forest Sites list can be found below:"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.ForestSites1 -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window #-OverwriteTitle 'Forest Summary'
DocText -LineBreak
DocText -Text "Forest Sites list can be found below:"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.ForestSites2 -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window #-OverwriteTitle 'Forest Summary'
# DocText -LineBreak
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Subnets' -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocText -Text "Table below contains information regarding relation between Subnets and sites"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.ForestSubnets1 -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window #-OverwriteTitle 'Forest Summary'
DocText -LineBreak
DocText -Text "Table below contains information regarding relation between Subnets and sites"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.ForestSubnets2 -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window #-OverwriteTitle 'Forest Summary'
# DocText -LineBreak
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Site Links' -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocText -Text "Forest Site Links information is available in table below"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.ForestSiteLinks -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window #-OverwriteTitle 'Forest Summary'
# DocText -LineBreak
foreach ($Domain in $ADForest.FoundDomains.Keys) {
DocNumbering -Text "General Information - Domain $Domain" -Level 0 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Domain Summary' -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocText -Text "Following domain exists within forest $($ADForest.ForestName):"
DocList -Type Bulleted {
DocListItem -Level 1 -Text "Domain $($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainInformation.DistinguishedName)"
DocListItem -Level 2 -Text "Name for fully qualified domain name (FQDN): $($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainInformation.DNSRoot)"
DocListItem -Level 2 -Text "Name for NetBIOS: $($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainInformation.NetBIOSName)"
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Domain Controllers' -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocText -Text 'Following table contains domain controllers'
DocTable -DataTable ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainControllers) -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window #-OverwriteTitle 'Forest Summary'
DocText -LineBreak
DocText -Text "Following table contains FSMO servers with roles for domain $Domain"
DocTable -DataTable ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainFSMO) -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle "FSMO Roles for $Domain"
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Password Policies' -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocText -Text "Following table contains password policies for all users within $Domain"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainDefaultPasswordPolicy -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle "Default Password Policy for $Domain"
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Fine-grained Password Policies' -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainFineGrainedPolicies) {
DocText -Text 'Following table contains Fine-grained password policies'
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainFineGrainedPolicies -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle "Fine-grained Password Policy for <Domain>"
else {
DocText {
"Following section should cover fine-grained password policies. " `
+ "There were no fine-grained password polices defined in $Domain. There was no formal requirement to have them set up."
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Group Policies' -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocText -Text "Following table contains group policies for $Domain"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainGroupPolicies -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Group Policies Details' -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocText -Text "Following table contains group policies for $Domain"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainGroupPoliciesDetails -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -MaximumColumns 6
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - DNS A/SRV Records' -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocText -Text "Following table contains SRV records for Kerberos and LDAP"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainDNSSRV -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -MaximumColumns 10
DocText -LineBreak
DocText -Text "Following table contains A records for Kerberos and LDAP"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainDNSA -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -MaximumColumns 10
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Trusts' -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocText -Text "Following table contains trusts established with domains..."
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainTrusts -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -MaximumColumns 10
DocText -LineBreak
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Organizational Units' -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocText -Text "Following table contains all OU's created in $Domain"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainOrganizationalUnits -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -MaximumColumns 4
DocText -LineBreak
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Priviliged Groups' -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocText -Text 'Following table contains list of priviliged groups and count of the members in it.'
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainGroupsPriviliged -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
DocChart -Title 'Priviliged Group Members' -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainGroupsPriviliged -Key 'Group Name' -Value 'Member Count'
DocNumbering -Text "General Information - Domain Users in $Domain" -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Users Count' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText -Text "Following table and chart shows number of users in its categories"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainUsersCount -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle 'Users Count'
DocChart -Title 'Servers Count' -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainUsersCount
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Domain Administrators' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainAdministratorsRecursive) {
DocText -Text 'Following users have highest priviliges and are able to control a lot of Windows resources.'
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainAdministratorsRecursive -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText -Text 'No Domain Administrators users were defined for this domain.'
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Enterprise Administrators' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainEnterpriseAdministratorsRecursive) {
DocText -Text 'Following users have highest priviliges across Forest and are able to control a lot of Windows resources.'
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainEnterpriseAdministratorsRecursive -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText -Text 'No Enterprise Administrators users were defined for this domain.'
DocNumbering -Text "General Information - Computer Objects in $Domain" -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Computers' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText -Text "Following table and chart shows number of computers and their versions"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainComputersCount -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle 'Computers Count'
DocChart -Title 'Servers Count' -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainComputersCount -Key 'System Name' -Value 'System Count'
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Servers' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText -Text "Following table and chart shows number of servers and their versions"
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainServersCount -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle 'Servers Count'
DocChart -Title 'Servers Count' -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainServersCount -Key 'System Name' -Value 'System Count'
DocNumbering -Text 'General Information - Unknown Computers' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText -Text "Following table and chart shows number of unknown object computers in domain."
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainComputersUnknownCount -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle 'Unknown Computers Count'
DocChart -Title 'Servers Count' -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainComputersUnknownCount -Key 'System Name' -Value 'System Count'
DocNumbering -Text 'Domain Password Quality' -Level 1 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading1 {
Doctext {
"This section provides overview about password quality used in $Domain. One should review if all those potentially" `
+ " dangerous approaches to password quality should be left as is or addressed in one way or another."
DocNumbering -Text 'Password Quality - Passwords with Reversible Encryption' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText -Text 'Passwords of these accounts are stored using reversible encryption.'
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordClearTextPassword) {
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordClearTextPassword -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText -Text 'There are no accounts that have passwords stored using reversible encryption.'
DocNumbering -Text 'Password Quality - Passwords with LM Hash' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText {
'LM-hashes is the oldest password storage used by Windows, dating back to OS/2 system.' `
+ ' Due to the limited charset allowed, they are fairly easy to crack. Following accounts are affected:'
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordLMHash) {
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordLMHash -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText {
'LM-hashes is the oldest password storage used by Windows, dating back to OS/2 system.' `
+ ' There were no accounts found that use LM Hashes.'
DocNumbering -Text 'Password Quality - Empty Passwords' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText -Text 'Following accounts have no password set:'
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordEmptyPassword) {
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordEmptyPassword -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText -Text "There are no accounts in $Domain that have no password set."
DocNumbering -Text 'Password Quality - Known passwords' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText {
"Passwords of these accounts have been found in given dictionary. It's highly recommended to " `
+ "notify those users and ask them to change their passwords asap!"
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordWeakPassword) {
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordWeakPassword -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText -Text 'There were no passwords found that match given dictionary.'
DocNumbering -Text 'Password Quality - Default Computer Password' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText -Text 'These computer objects have their password set to default:'
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordDefaultComputerPassword) {
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordDefaultComputerPassword -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText -Text 'There were no accounts found that match default computer password criteria.'
DocNumbering -Text 'Password Quality - Password Not Required' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText {
'These accounts are not required to have a password. For some accounts it may be perfectly acceptable ' `
+ ' but for some it may not. Those accounts should be reviewed and accepted or changed to proper security.'
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordPasswordNotRequired) {
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordPasswordNotRequired -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText {
'There were no accounts found that does not require password.'
DocNumbering -Text 'Password Quality - Non expiring passwords' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText {
'Following account have do not expire password policy set on them. Those accounts should be reviewed whether ' `
+ 'allowing them to never expire is good idea and accepted risk.'
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordPasswordNeverExpires) {
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordPasswordNeverExpires -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText {
"There are no accounts in $Domain that never expire."
DocNumbering -Text 'Password Quality - AES Keys Missing' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText {
'Following accounts have their Kerberos AES keys missing'
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordAESKeysMissing) {
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordAESKeysMissing -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText {
'There are no accounts that hvae their Kerberos AES keys missing.'
DocNumbering -Text 'Password Quality - Kerberos Pre-Auth Not Required' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText {
'Kerberos pre-authentication is not required for these accounts'
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordPreAuthNotRequired) {
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordPreAuthNotRequired -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText {
'There were no accounts found that do not require pre-authentication.'
DocNumbering -Text 'Password Quality - Only DES Encryption Allowed' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText {
'Only DES encryption is allowed to be used with these accounts'
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordDESEncryptionOnly) {
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordDESEncryptionOnly -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText {
'There are no account that require only DES encryption.'
DocNumbering -Text 'Password Quality - Delegatable to Service' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText {
'These accounts are allowed to be delegated to a service:'
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordDelegatableAdmins) {
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordDelegatableAdmins -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText {
'No accounts were found that are allowed to be delegated to a service.'
DocNumbering -Text 'Password Quality - Groups of Users With Same Password' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText {
'Following groups of users have same passwords:'
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordDuplicatePasswordGroups) {
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordDuplicatePasswordGroups -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText {
"There are no 2 passwords that are the same in $Domain."
DocNumbering -Text 'Password Quality - Leaked Passwords' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText {
"Passwords of these accounts have been found in given HASH dictionary ( It's highly recommended to " `
+ "notify those users and ask them to change their passwords asap!"
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordHashesWeakPassword) {
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordHashesWeakPassword -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window
else {
DocText {
'There were no passwords found that match in given dictionary.'
DocNumbering -Text 'Password Quality - Statistics' -Level 2 -Type Numbered -Heading Heading2 {
DocText {
"Following table and chart shows password statistics"
if ($ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordStats) {
DocTable -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordStats -Design ColorfulGridAccent5 -AutoFit Window -OverwriteTitle 'Password Quality - Statistics'
else {
DocText {
'There were no passwords found that match in given dictionary.'
DocChart -Title 'Password Statistics' -DataTable $ADForest.FoundDomains.$Domain.DomainPasswordStats # Hashtables don't require Key/Value pair
} -Open
Please feel free to copy parts of the script or if you would like to download the entire script, simple click the download button. You can download the complete repository in a zip file by clicking the Download link in the menu bar on the left hand side of the page.
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