@GitHub Copilot - Welcome @BanterBoy, I’m your Copilot and I’m here to help you get things done faster. I can identify issues, explain and even improve code.
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@BanterBoy: - Explain what the script does and why it is useful.
@GitHub Copilot - This PowerShell script is designed to log off stale Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) sessions. The script begins by defining a new object called $starters
with properties for session name, username, ID, state, type, and device. The script then loops through the results of a query to retrieve information about active RDP sessions. For each result, the script attempts to extract the session name, username, ID, state, type, and device information and create a new object with these properties. If an error occurs during this process, the script logs the error message.
After creating the new objects, the script calls a function called Test-LogFilePath
to ensure that the log file path exists. The script then defines a variable called $LogFile
to store the path to the log file. The script sets a regular expression pattern to match disconnected sessions with the state of “Disc” and a username that is not empty. The script then retrieves a list of disconnected sessions that match this pattern and selects the ID and username properties. The script then loops through the disconnected sessions and logs off each session using the logoff
command. The script logs the username of each session that is logged off.
To improve the readability of this code, the variable names could be more descriptive. For example, $starters
could be renamed to $sessionProperties
. Additionally, the script could benefit from comments to explain the purpose of each section of code. To improve performance, the script could be optimized to reduce the number of queries to retrieve session information.
@BanterBoy: - Explain how to use the script and provide examples.
@GitHub Copilot - The script is designed to log off stale Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) sessions. To use the script, you can copy and paste the code into a PowerShell script file and save it with a .ps1 extension. You can then run the script by opening PowerShell and navigating to the directory where the script is saved. You can then run the script by typing the name of the script file and pressing Enter.
For example, if the script is saved as “Logoff-Stale-RDP.ps1” in the C:\Scripts directory, you can run the script by opening PowerShell and typing the following command:
cd C:\Scripts
The script will then log off any stale RDP sessions and write the username of each session that is logged off to a log file.
It is important to note that this script should only be used on systems where it is necessary to log off stale RDP sessions. If you are unsure whether this script is appropriate for your system, you should consult with your system administrator before running the script. Additionally, you should always verify any generated code or suggestions before running them on your system.
Checks for disconnected sessions and logs off the disconnected user sessions.
Checks for disconnected sessions and logs off the disconnected user sessions.
File Name: Logoff-DisconnectedSession.ps1
Author : Bart Kuppens
Version : 1.1
PS > .\Logoff-DisconnectedSession.ps1
function Test-LogFilePath([string]$LogFilePath) {
if (!(Test-Path -Path $LogFilePath)) { New-Item $LogFilePath -ItemType directory >> $null }
function Write-Log([string]$message) {
Out-File -InputObject $message -FilePath $LogFile -Append
function Get-Sessions {
$queryResults = query session
$starters = New-Object psobject -Property @{"SessionName" = 0; "UserName" = 0; "ID" = 0; "State" = 0; "Type" = 0; "Device" = 0; }
foreach ($result in $queryResults) {
try {
if ($result.trim().substring(0, $result.trim().indexof(" ")) -eq "SESSIONNAME") {
$starters.UserName = $result.indexof("USERNAME");
$starters.ID = $result.indexof("ID");
$starters.State = $result.indexof("STATE");
$starters.Type = $result.indexof("TYPE");
$starters.Device = $result.indexof("DEVICE");
New-Object psobject -Property @{
"SessionName" = $result.trim().substring(0, $result.trim().indexof(" ")).trim(">");
"Username" = $result.Substring($starters.Username, $result.IndexOf(" ", $starters.Username) - $starters.Username);
"ID" = $result.Substring($result.IndexOf(" ", $starters.Username), $starters.ID - $result.IndexOf(" ", $starters.Username) + 2).trim();
"State" = $result.Substring($starters.State, $result.IndexOf(" ", $starters.State) - $starters.State).trim();
"Type" = $result.Substring($starters.Type, $starters.Device - $starters.Type).trim();
"Device" = $result.Substring($starters.Device).trim()
catch {
$e = $_;
Write-Log "ERROR: " + $e.PSMessageDetails
Test-LogFilePath($ENV:LOCALAPPDATA + "\DisconnectedSessions")
$LogFile = $ENV:LOCALAPPDATA + "\DisconnectedSessions\" + "sessions_" + $([DateTime]::Now.ToString('yyyyMMdd')) + ".log"
[string]$IncludeStates = '^(Disc)$'
Write-Log -Message "Disconnected Sessions CleanUp"
Write-Log -Message "============================="
$DisconnectedSessions = Get-Sessions | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_.State -match $IncludeStates -and $_.UserName -ne "" } | Select-Object -Property ID, UserName
Write-Log -Message "Logged off sessions"
Write-Log -Message "-------------------"
foreach ($session in $DisconnectedSessions) {
logoff $session.ID
Write-Log -Message $session.Username
Write-Log -Message " "
Write-Log -Message "Finished"
Please feel free to copy parts of the script or if you would like to download the entire script, simple click the download button. You can download the complete repository in a zip file by clicking the Download link in the menu bar on the left hand side of the page.
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