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@BanterBoy: - Explain what the script does and why it is useful.

@GitHub Copilot -


  This script will set the homeDrive and homeDirectory user
  attributes and create the home drive.

    .\Provision_Home_Folder.ps1 -Username sAMAccountName -Homedrive H: -HomeDirectory "\\server\share\sAMAccountName"

    .\Provision_Home_Folder.ps1 -Username jsaunders -Homedrive H: -HomeDirectory "\\\userhome\jsaunders"

  Script Name: Provision_Home_Folder.ps1
  Release: 1.2
  Written by [email protected] 12th December 2011
  Modified by [email protected] 24th April 2014


param([String]$Username, [String]$HomeDrive, [String]$HomeDirectory)

if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Username)) {
  write-host -ForeGroundColor Red "Username is a required parameter. Exiting Script.`n"

if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($HomeDrive)) {
  write-host -ForeGroundColor Red "HomeDrive is a required parameter. Exiting Script.`n"

if ([String]::IsNullOrEmpty($HomeDirectory)) {
  write-host -ForeGroundColor Red "HomeDirectory is a required parameter. Exiting Script.`n"

# Get the Current Domain Information
$CurrentDomain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
$DNSDomainName = $CurrentDomain.Name
$DomainDistinguishedName = $CurrentDomain.GetDirectoryEntry() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName

# Find the NetBios Domain Name
$Forest = [system.directoryservices.activedirectory.Forest]::GetCurrentForest()
$RootDSE = [System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry]([ADSI]"LDAP://RootDSE")
$ConfigNC = $RootDSE.Get("configurationNamingContext")
$Searcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
$Searcher.SearchScope = "subtree"
$Searcher.PropertiesToLoad.Add("nETBIOSName") > $Null
# Base of search is Partitions container in the configuration container.
$Searcher.SearchRoot = "LDAP://cn=Partitions,$ConfigNC"
ForEach ($objDomain In $Forest.Domains) {
  $Searcher.Filter = "(nCName=$DomainDistinguishedName)"
  $NetBIOSDomainName = ($Searcher.FindOne()).Properties.Item("nETBIOSName")[0]

# The Set-Owner Function. It's called from the CreateHomeDirectory Function.

function Set-Owner {
  Setting the owner on an ACL in Powershell

  Set Owner with PowerShell: "The security identifier is not allowed to be the owner of this object"
    [System.Security.Principal.IdentityReference]$Principal = $(throw "Mandatory parameter -Principal missing."),
    $File = $(throw "Mandatory parameter -File missing.")
  if (-not (Test-Path $file)) {
    throw "File $file is missing."
  if ($Principal -eq $null) {
    throw "Principal is NULL"

  $code = @"
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;

namespace CosmosKey.Utils
 public class TokenManipulator

  [DllImport("advapi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
  internal static extern bool AdjustTokenPrivileges(IntPtr htok, bool disall, ref TokPriv1Luid newst, int len, IntPtr prev, IntPtr relen);

  [DllImport("kernel32.dll", ExactSpelling = true)]
  internal static extern IntPtr GetCurrentProcess();

  [DllImport("advapi32.dll", ExactSpelling = true, SetLastError = true)]
  internal static extern bool OpenProcessToken(IntPtr h, int acc, ref IntPtr phtok);

  [DllImport("advapi32.dll", SetLastError = true)]
  internal static extern bool LookupPrivilegeValue(string host, string name, ref long pluid);

  [StructLayout(LayoutKind.Sequential, Pack = 1)]
  internal struct TokPriv1Luid
   public int Count;
   public long Luid;
   public int Attr;

  internal const int SE_PRIVILEGE_DISABLED = 0x00000000;
  internal const int SE_PRIVILEGE_ENABLED = 0x00000002;
  internal const int TOKEN_QUERY = 0x00000008;
  internal const int TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES = 0x00000020;

  public const string SE_ASSIGNPRIMARYTOKEN_NAME = "SeAssignPrimaryTokenPrivilege";
  public const string SE_AUDIT_NAME = "SeAuditPrivilege";
  public const string SE_BACKUP_NAME = "SeBackupPrivilege";
  public const string SE_CHANGE_NOTIFY_NAME = "SeChangeNotifyPrivilege";
  public const string SE_CREATE_GLOBAL_NAME = "SeCreateGlobalPrivilege";
  public const string SE_CREATE_PAGEFILE_NAME = "SeCreatePagefilePrivilege";
  public const string SE_CREATE_PERMANENT_NAME = "SeCreatePermanentPrivilege";
  public const string SE_CREATE_SYMBOLIC_LINK_NAME = "SeCreateSymbolicLinkPrivilege";
  public const string SE_CREATE_TOKEN_NAME = "SeCreateTokenPrivilege";
  public const string SE_DEBUG_NAME = "SeDebugPrivilege";
  public const string SE_ENABLE_DELEGATION_NAME = "SeEnableDelegationPrivilege";
  public const string SE_IMPERSONATE_NAME = "SeImpersonatePrivilege";
  public const string SE_INC_BASE_PRIORITY_NAME = "SeIncreaseBasePriorityPrivilege";
  public const string SE_INCREASE_QUOTA_NAME = "SeIncreaseQuotaPrivilege";
  public const string SE_INC_WORKING_SET_NAME = "SeIncreaseWorkingSetPrivilege";
  public const string SE_LOAD_DRIVER_NAME = "SeLoadDriverPrivilege";
  public const string SE_LOCK_MEMORY_NAME = "SeLockMemoryPrivilege";
  public const string SE_MACHINE_ACCOUNT_NAME = "SeMachineAccountPrivilege";
  public const string SE_MANAGE_VOLUME_NAME = "SeManageVolumePrivilege";
  public const string SE_PROF_SINGLE_PROCESS_NAME = "SeProfileSingleProcessPrivilege";
  public const string SE_RELABEL_NAME = "SeRelabelPrivilege";
  public const string SE_REMOTE_SHUTDOWN_NAME = "SeRemoteShutdownPrivilege";
  public const string SE_RESTORE_NAME = "SeRestorePrivilege";
  public const string SE_SECURITY_NAME = "SeSecurityPrivilege";
  public const string SE_SHUTDOWN_NAME = "SeShutdownPrivilege";
  public const string SE_SYNC_AGENT_NAME = "SeSyncAgentPrivilege";
  public const string SE_SYSTEM_ENVIRONMENT_NAME = "SeSystemEnvironmentPrivilege";
  public const string SE_SYSTEM_PROFILE_NAME = "SeSystemProfilePrivilege";
  public const string SE_SYSTEMTIME_NAME = "SeSystemtimePrivilege";
  public const string SE_TAKE_OWNERSHIP_NAME = "SeTakeOwnershipPrivilege";
  public const string SE_TCB_NAME = "SeTcbPrivilege";
  public const string SE_TIME_ZONE_NAME = "SeTimeZonePrivilege";
  public const string SE_TRUSTED_CREDMAN_ACCESS_NAME = "SeTrustedCredManAccessPrivilege";
  public const string SE_UNDOCK_NAME = "SeUndockPrivilege";
  public const string SE_UNSOLICITED_INPUT_NAME = "SeUnsolicitedInputPrivilege";

  public static bool AddPrivilege(string privilege)
    bool retVal;
    TokPriv1Luid tp;
    IntPtr hproc = GetCurrentProcess();
    IntPtr htok = IntPtr.Zero;
    retVal = OpenProcessToken(hproc, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, ref htok);
    tp.Count = 1;
    tp.Luid = 0;
    retVal = LookupPrivilegeValue(null, privilege, ref tp.Luid);
    retVal = AdjustTokenPrivileges(htok, false, ref tp, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
    return retVal;
   catch (Exception ex)
    throw ex;

  public static bool RemovePrivilege(string privilege)
    bool retVal;
    TokPriv1Luid tp;
    IntPtr hproc = GetCurrentProcess();
    IntPtr htok = IntPtr.Zero;
    retVal = OpenProcessToken(hproc, TOKEN_ADJUST_PRIVILEGES | TOKEN_QUERY, ref htok);
    tp.Count = 1;
    tp.Luid = 0;
    retVal = LookupPrivilegeValue(null, privilege, ref tp.Luid);
    retVal = AdjustTokenPrivileges(htok, false, ref tp, 0, IntPtr.Zero, IntPtr.Zero);
    return retVal;
   catch (Exception ex)
    throw ex;


  $errPref = $ErrorActionPreference
  $ErrorActionPreference = "silentlycontinue"
  $type = [CosmosKey.Utils.TokenManipulator]
  $ErrorActionPreference = $errPref
  if ($type -eq $null) {
    add-type $code
  $acl = Get-Acl $File
  set-acl -Path $File -AclObject $acl -passthru

# The Test-UNC Function. It's called from the CreateHomeDirectory Function.

function Test-UNC {
  QuickTip: How to validate a UNC path
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline = $true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)]
  process {
    foreach ($p in $Path) {

# The CreateHomeDirectory Function.

function CreateHomeDirectory {
  param($Domain, $Username, $HomeDirectory)
  if ((Test-Path -path $HomeDirectory) -eq $False) {
    New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $HomeDirectory

  $NewACL = Get-Acl $HomeDirectory

  # Builtin Administrators - Allow - Full Control (Apply onto: This folder, subfolders and files)
  # Local System - Allow - Full Control (Apply onto: This folder, subfolders and files)

  # Domain Admins - Allow - Full Control (Apply onto: This folder, subfolders and files)
  #$Access = $Domain + "\" + "Domain Admins"
  #$objAccess = new-object$Access)
  #$InheritanceFlag = []"ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"
  #$PropagationFlag = []"None"
  #$FolderRights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]"FullControl"
  #$AccessType = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]"Allow"
  #$AccessRule = New-Object$objAccess, $FolderRights, $InheritanceFlag, $PropagationFlag, $AccessType)

  # File Server Admins - Allow - Full Control (Apply onto: This folder, subfolders and files)
  #$Access = $Domain + "\" + "IS-File-Services-Admins"
  #$objAccess = new-object$Access)
  #$InheritanceFlag = []"ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"
  #$PropagationFlag = []"None"
  #$FolderRights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]"FullControl"
  #$AccessType = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]"Allow"
  #$AccessRule = New-Object$objAccess, $FolderRights, $InheritanceFlag, $PropagationFlag, $AccessType)

  # Backup Operators - Allow - Full Control (Apply onto: This folder, subfolders and files)
  #$Access = $Domain + "\" + "IS-Backup-Operators"
  #$objAccess = new-object$Access)
  #$InheritanceFlag = []"ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"
  #$PropagationFlag = []"None"
  #$FolderRights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]"FullControl"
  #$AccessType = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]"Allow"
  #$AccessRule = New-Object$objAccess, $FolderRights, $InheritanceFlag, $PropagationFlag, $AccessType)

  # Home Folder Admins - Allow - Modify (Apply onto: This folder, subfolders and files)
  #$Access = $Domain + "\" + "All-Home-Folder-Admins"
  #$objAccess = new-object$Access)
  #$InheritanceFlag = []"ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"
  #$PropagationFlag = []"None"
  #$FolderRights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]"Modify"
  #$AccessType = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]"Allow"
  #$AccessRule = New-Object$objAccess, $FolderRights, $InheritanceFlag, $PropagationFlag, $AccessType)

  # Home Folder Admins - Allow - Delete subfolders and files, Change permission, Take Ownership (Apply onto: Subfolders and files only)
  #$Access = $Domain + "\" + "All-Home-Folder-Admins"
  #$objAccess = new-object$Access)
  #$InheritanceFlag = []"ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"
  #$PropagationFlag = []"InheritOnly"
  #$FolderRights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]"DeleteSubdirectoriesAndFiles, ChangePermissions, TakeOwnership"
  #$AccessType = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]"Allow"
  #$AccessRule = New-Object$objAccess, $FolderRights, $InheritanceFlag, $PropagationFlag, $AccessType)

  Try {
    $IsValidAccount = $True
    $Access = $Domain + "\" + "$Username"
    $objAccess = new-object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($Access)
    # Validate the user account by retieving its SID
    $SID = $objAccess.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
  Catch {
    $IsValidAccount = $False
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "The $Username account was not found."

  If ($IsValidAccount -eq $True) {

    # The user account - Allow - Full Control (Apply onto: This folder, subfolders and files)
    $InheritanceFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]"ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit"
    $PropagationFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]"None"
    $FolderRights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]"FullControl"
    $AccessType = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]"Allow"
    $AccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule ($objAccess, $FolderRights, $InheritanceFlag, $PropagationFlag, $AccessType)

    # The user account - Deny - Change permission, Take Ownership (Apply onto: This folder only)
    # This is handy to prevent users from changing permissions and ownership of their own home folder.
    #$InheritanceFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.InheritanceFlags]"None"
    #$PropagationFlag = [System.Security.AccessControl.PropagationFlags]"None"
    #$FolderRights = [System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemRights]"ChangePermissions, TakeOwnership"
    #$AccessType = [System.Security.AccessControl.AccessControlType]"Deny"
    #$AccessRule = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule ($objAccess, $FolderRights, $InheritanceFlag, $PropagationFlag, $AccessType)

  Else {

    $Access = "BUILTIN\Administrators"
    $objAccess = new-object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($Access)
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "Setting the BUILTIN\Administrators group as owner."
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor DarkYellow "Consider archiving this folder."


  $CurrentACL = Get-acl $HomeDirectory
  $ACLDifferences = compare-object $($CurrentACL.access) $($NewACL.access) -property FileSystemRights, AccessControlType, IdentityReference, InheritanceFlags, PropagationFlags

  # Set the ACL and owner if different
  If ($NULL -ne $ACLDifferences) {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "The ACL on $HomeDirectory is incorrect."
    if ((Test-UNC -Path $HomeDirectory) -eq $True) { $NewACL.SetOwner($objAccess) }
    $Success = $True
    Try {
      Set-Acl -path $HomeDirectory -aclobject $NewACL
    Catch {
      $Success = $False
    if ($Success -eq $True) {
      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully applied permissions and owner to the home folder."
    else {
      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Error applying permissions and owner to the home folder."
    if ((Test-UNC -Path $HomeDirectory) -eq $False) { Set-Owner $objAccess $HomeDirectory }
  Else {
    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "The ACL on $HomeDirectory is correct."
    # Set the owner if different
    If ($CurrentACL.Owner -ne $objAccess.value) {
      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "The Owner of $HomeDirectory is incorrect."
      $Success = $False
      if ((Test-UNC -Path $HomeDirectory) -eq $True) {
        $Success = $True
        Try {
          Set-Acl -path $HomeDirectory -aclobject $CurrentACL
        Catch {
          $Success = $False
      if ((Test-UNC -Path $HomeDirectory) -eq $False) {
        Set-Owner $objAccess $HomeDirectory
        $Success = $True
      if ($Success -eq $True) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Successfully changed the owner on the home folder."
      else {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "Error changing the owner on the home folder."
    else {
      Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "The owner of $HomeDirectory is correct."


function SetUserAttribute {

  param($Username, $Attribute, $Value)

  # Get the Current Domain Information
  $Domain = [System.DirectoryServices.ActiveDirectory.Domain]::GetCurrentDomain()
  $DomainDistinguishedName = $Domain.GetDirectoryEntry() | Select-Object -ExpandProperty DistinguishedName

  $ADScope = "SUBTREE"
  $ADPageSize = 1000
  $ADSearchRoot = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectoryEntry("LDAP://$($DomainDistinguishedName)")

  # Find the account that will be effected by the change
  $ADFilter = "(&(objectClass=user)(objectCategory=person)(sAMAccountName=$Username))"
  $ADPropertyList = @()
  $ADSearcher = New-Object System.DirectoryServices.DirectorySearcher
  $ADSearcher.SearchRoot = $ADSearchRoot
  $ADSearcher.PageSize = $ADPageSize
  $ADSearcher.Filter = $ADFilter
  $ADSearcher.SearchScope = $ADScope
  if ($ADPropertyList) {
    foreach ($ADProperty in $ADPropertyList) {
  $results = $ADSearcher.FindAll()
  $Count = $results.Count
  if ($Count -ne 0) {
    foreach ($result in $results) {
      $User = $result.GetDirectoryEntry()
      $User.Put($Attribute, $Value)
      return $True
      Write-Host "Updated the $Attribute attribute from $Username account to $Value."
  else {
    return $False
    Write-Host "$Username not found."


Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Setting the home drive and home directory attributes..."
$Success = SetUserAttribute $Username "homeDrive" $HomeDrive
$Success = SetUserAttribute $Username "homeDirectory" "$HomeDirectory"

If ($Success -eq $True) {
  Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Creating the Home Drive..."
  CreateHomeDirectory $NetBIOSDomainName $Username $HomeDirectory
else {
  Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "$Username does not exist."

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Please feel free to copy parts of the script or if you would like to download the entire script, simple click the download button. You can download the complete repository in a zip file by clicking the Download link in the menu bar on the left hand side of the page.

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